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As you begin to determine the best educational and spiritual path for your child, we thank you for considering Holy Apostles School. We are excited to welcome many new families to our community. Over the past year, Holy Apostles School has continued to grow and we are proud to provide expanded opportunities and programs for our K3 - 8th grade students. We know your child’s education is a very important decision, and we want to help you make the right one for your family. We invite you to explore what Holy Apostles School has to offer. 


Please call 262-786-7331 with questions or to schedule a private tour of our school.


2021 Enrollment

2024-25 Enrollment Going on Now!


2025-26 Re-enrollment / Registration Dates


  • Current Family Registration: Early November 

  • Parishioner Family Registration (During Open House): Sunday, December 8, 2024

  • Open Registration for Non-Parishioners/Future Parishioners: Monday, January 6, 2025



To register, please provide the following:


  • Completed registration form

  • Registration fee

  • Certificate of birth

  • Certificate of baptism (if available)

  • Immunization information

  • If transferring, we will request the student's cum folder from the transferring school


Please note our age cut-off dates for the 3K, 4K, or 5K programs:


  • 3K - 3 years old by or on September 1

  • 4K - 4 years old by or on September 1

  • 5K - 5 years old by or on September 1


Registration forms can be dropped off or sent to:


Holy Apostles School
3875 S. 159th Street
New Berlin, WI 53151

Contact us!

Online Form
Request more information or a tour:

Thanks for submitting!



2024-2025 Annual Preschool Tuition

  • 3K (3-day) Half Day: $2,430

  • 3K (5-day) Half Day: $3,900

  • 4K Half Day: $3,900

  • 4K Full Day: $5,000

  • Wrap/Extended Care: $7/hour

  • Registration Form

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Annual Tuition

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Parents may choose to pay tuition on an annual, semi-annual, quarterly or monthly schedule. The selection of payment option is made when the tuition agreement form is signed in May:


  • Option #1:  Payment in full due August 15

  • Option #2:  Payment in two installments due August 15 and January 15

  • Option #3:  Payment in four installments due August 15/November 15/January 15/ March 15

  • Option #4:  Payment as automatic monthly withdrawals starting July 15 and ending  June  15

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Paid at the time of re-enrollment/registration:


Returning Family: $95.00
New Family: $120.00


Holy Apostles is able to provide an exemplary education through tuition and the generous parish subsidy for each student attending our school. Our parish currently subsidizes approximately 40% of the cost to educate one child and increases this subsidy with each additional child. In order to receive this subsidy, we ask that families are active members of the parish community. This would include:


  • Praying with us at Sunday Eucharist

  • Being a registered member of our parish

  • Returning a commitment to parish life

  • Being involved in school/parish ministries and service opportunities

  • Providing financial support to the parish in addition to the cost of tuition and fees


If you are a member of another parish, we would encourage you to speak to them about the availability and requirements for receiving subsidized tuition at Holy Apostles.



No child should be denied a Catholic education due to limited funds. At Holy Apostles, funds have been set aside to help those in need of financial assistance. If you would like to inquire about additional financial assistance, please fill out the financial disclosure and tuition assistance forms and turn them into the school office once complete by April 8, 2024 (extended this year because of Easter Break).



Tell me about the school


We are a 3K-8 Catholic school with a value-based curriculum and a traditional approach to education. We combine a strong focus on core academics with innovative approaches to instruction and learning. Our enrollment is approximately 415+ students, with two classes per grade from 5K through 8th grade and an average class size of 19 students. All of our teachers are licensed by the state in their field, and several staff members have Masters' degrees. Students are taught by certified specialty teachers in music, physical education, art, and Spanish, as well as a reading specialist.


What makes a Catholic school experience unique?


Both the parish and school’s missions are to bring the Gospel values into the lives of our families. From daily prayer to regular liturgies, our students experience the need for worship in their lives. In conjunction with the Christian Formation program, students in second grade receive instruction in and reception of the sacraments of First Communion and Reconciliation. Religious imagery abounds in the building; from a centrally positioned church to prayer corners scattered throughout the classrooms. The teachers are here because they believe that all children deserve the respect of God’s love. Our teachers model by actions, not just words.  All teachers must maintain religious certification on an annual basis to keep their heads as strong as their hearts.


How do the students reflect Gospel values?


Our students are expected to know basic beliefs of the Catholic faith. It is not proselytized but taught. Our students perform Christian service such as visiting the elderly, working a soup kitchen, and after-school tutoring for other students. All of our students also raise thousands of dollars per year for others through activities such as donations on uniform-free days and other fund drives. We also expect our students to be proactive in treating each other with respect. Students are taught how to avoid bullying and how to intervene and speak out for others.


Is there financial assistance available? 


The parish supports the school and families may receive additional assistance based on need. Students will not be turned away because of financial need.  Holy Apostles Parish does not want any parish family to not be able to attend our school. Scholarship monies have been set aside to assist families with tuition payments. Turn in the forms above if you need assistance.


Is bus service provided?


Bus transportation is provided through the New Berlin School District for those families residing within the established busing boundaries.  Contact the school office for more information.


Is there before and after-school care for our children? 


Yes, we offer a Before and After School Program for our families every year. Before Care begins at 7am and After School Care starts immediately after the school day and continues until 6:00 PM. The costs and requirements are similar to other local programs. There is free busing to and from other daycares in New Berlin.  


Are there uniforms?


Yes, in accordance with our school mission and philosophy we are to learn in a compassionate atmosphere. A uniform helps set the appropriate atmosphere. Boys are expected to wear navy blue uniform pants with a white, red, or navy polo-type shirt. Girls can wear the same color shirts with pants or a uniform skirt or jumper.  Complete expectations are in the Parent-Student Handbook.


Is there a lunch program?


Yes. Optional lunch services are offered.  Milk is also available for $0.45. About half the students choose to take hot lunch, and they eat in four shifts: kindergarten, middle school, intermediate grades, and primary grades.


When are the children in school?


School starts at 8:15 a.m. and ends at 3:15 p.m. 3K students attend 3 days or 5 days a week from 8:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. with an option for Lunch and Wrap Care. As an accredited school, we maintain 180 days of school per year.


How can parents get involved? 


They are so many ways a parent can get involved that we have two separate pages on that information alone. Parent organizations include the School Commission and the Home & School Association. Other activities include: aiding, class trip chaperones, our summer parish festival, and various other committees and groups. Our parents are very creative in finding ways for new families to get involved.


Where are you located?


We are located at 3875 S 159th St. in New Berlin. Our school sits behind Holy Apostles Church at 16000 W. National Avenue.

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