In 5K, we have FUN, build friendships, learn about ourselves, the world, and God. Our curriculum is filled with hands-on projects, experiments, and proven methods to ensure your child has the strongest start to their academic career.
We dive deep into the following subjects to ensure your 5 year old is proficient and ready for 1st grade:
Embracing the presence of God and Jesus in our daily lives through daily prayer experiences
Practicing prayers and gaining an understanding of them
Catholic Christian virtues of Faith, Hope and Love are taught, demonstrated and modeled
Learning about the past, important people, and celebrating holidays
Celebrating weekly Mass

Strengthening fine and gross motor skills
Integrated, authentic, experiential, hands-on and meaningful play based learning centers
Communicate thoughts, feelings, and ideas through spoken words/prayer and writing
Learning how to collaborate in small and large groups
Learning how to be an active listener
Learning how to follow mutually agreed upon rules
Letter and sound recognition
Daily writing experiences
Focus on word building, word families, blending and syllables
Sight words
Guided reading small groups
Reading strategies: Comprehension, accuracy, fluency, and expanding vocabulary

Real life problem solving and story problems
Add and subtract fluently to 20
Counting forward/backward from a given number
Graphing and analyzing data
Recognizing and comparing numbers by using greater than, less than, and equal to
Exploring nonstandard and standard measurement
Place value and base 10
2-D and 3-D shape exploration/manipulation
Integration of Project Lead the Way, a nationally recognized project-based STEM program
Using science tools to investigate the world
Recording and interpreting data
Unit studies in Matter, Seasons/Weather, Living /Non-living, Animals, Plants, Habitats, Environments and Life Cycles

Learning about relationships in our family, school, church, and community
Recognizing and accepting differences
Identifying needs VS wants
Exploring simple maps and the globe
Comparing/contrasting the past VS present
Learning about our role in supporting/protecting God’s world and ever changing environment
Introducing technological tools into the learning process
Applying learned skills weekly in the technology lab